Saturday, November 8, 2008

from Kemmy

This is Kemy, a girl comes from Taiwan. During these days I stay in the United States, I went through the presidential election by watching TV everyday. From the nomination to voting, one year, or even more, is a long way to go. Fortunately, all the competitions come to the peaceful ending.
It is interesting to watch the process of the presidential election. The United States is such a big country with huge population so that there are always variable elements somewhere. One year ago, it looked like the presidential election would be a fight between Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton. Surprised, the election was end up with Barack Obama and John Macain. With the voting which were hold by each state, the United States show the real sprit of democratic system to the whole world.
This is a whole new competition to everyone. With the African American and female candidate, the election was not just about politician but turned into an index of history. Racism and gender issue was focused. Is the United States, the country represents freedom and equality, ready for the changing?
The answer is positive. Three days ago, Barack Obama won the competition with John Macain’s congratulation. No more cat fight. No more personal attack. The revolution was peaceful and mature.Isn’t it amazing for having this result? The day after the election just like the days people have before, it is a normal day. How many years have to spend on democracy system to have the people with this manner?
My country, Taiwan, is small and young. The society was released by martial law for only twenty four years. We may be small but we do have problems of racism. We may never have to worry about interfering the war of Middle East, but we do have China (who would love to eat Taiwan as breakfast) in front of us. As the United States, we just finished the presidential election this year. However, it is just the 4th time for us. The presidential election is still new for Taiwan.
The part I admire this election here most is the sprit of democracy system. People support their candidate without turning them into God or Goddess. During the election, there may be personal attack sometime but never went too far. In Taiwan, people involve themselves in election with no reason but passion. The country was tore apart once in four years. Candidates defame each other by accusing other as corrupt or cheating men. The supporters hate the enemy part so much that they never let the election go after voting. Recalling, protesting and conflict are daily news for over eight years. The election is not only a process but a real revolution for lots of people in Taiwan.
Obama, as a candidate, barely used personal attack during the election. Obama always kept his manner for replying other’s criticizing. No matter its from Hillary Clinton or John Macain. By raising funds from internet, Obama lead the politician into a new level or world. Change is not just a slogan but everywhere. People in the United States are tired of being angry and antagonistic. I believe that’s the reason why Obama can win the election. Not just because he is who he is but because what he represents.
How long did America suffer for being mutual in democracy system? I have no idea. However, I know that the United States is 232 years old. I know this is the 44th presidential election. I know it took years or even decades for American to realize the importance of respecting. By watching the process of the presidential election, I see how people reunite after having the result. I cherish the sprit people have here. I hope someday in my country, people will stop tearing Taiwan apart and be like here. Even it may take 200 years to go.

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