Sunday, October 26, 2008


On behalf of The Emerson Election Project and all the Emerson College Faculty and Students involved in this event I'd like to welcome my Indonesian colleagues to the great city of Boston, my new home.

I recently moved to Boston all the way from Costa Rica, Central America and have come to love the city, the university and the people. I hope that in the short time you spend visiting us you come to enjoy it as well. 

Professor Gregory Payne, his colleagues and some of my fellow graduate students have made a grand effort to, hopefully, offer you a pleasant and productive stay in Boston and the rest of the towns and cities you will be visiting.

I hope this experience meets all of your expectations and that we can exchange views on journalism and media around the world, for these are two of my greatest passions.


Brenna Ruiz-Gordon
Fulbright Scholar rep. Costa Rica
MA Communication Management (candidate)
Emerson College
Boston, MA